273,147 research outputs found

    Minimal CO2 emission and water evaporation make sand an ideal temper

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    Este experimento tuvo el propósito de determinar el mejor desgrasante entre arena, cuarzo y serrín. Para lograr esto, se elaboraron tres cuencos de cerámica con una mezcla de 300 g de arcilla y 10 g de desgrasante. Después de esto, se comprobó su capacidad de absorción utilizando 80 ml de aceite en cada recipiente durante 30 minutos, después de lo cual se midió la cantidad restante de aceite. Este proceso se repitió una segunda vez. Los resultados indican que la arena es el mejor desgrasante, mientras que el serrín es el segundo mejor, dejando el cuarzo en el último lugarThis experiment set out with the purpose of determining the best temper agent between sand, quartz and sawdust. To achieve this, three ceramic bowls were made with 300 g of clay and 10 g of temper. After this, the absorption capacity of each bowl was checked using 80 ml of oil in each container for 30 minutes, after which the remaining amount of oil was measured. This process was repeated a second time. The results indicate that the sand is the best temper agent, while sawdust is the second, leaving the quartz in the last place

    The use of ilizarov external fixator for open comminuted fractures in different parts of tibia

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    Background: Open fracture of tibia is a common occurrence in the orthopedic treatment arena. Ilizarov technique is a popular technique of treating open tibial fracture after debridement and open reduction. It is comparatively a newer method and has many advantages.Methods: This study was carried out in the department of orthopaedics, Centre for women and child health, Ashulia, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period from January 2019 to June 2021. In total 30 patients with tibial fractures were selected as the study population. Before starting the intervention, the written consent of the participants was taken and this study was approved by the ethical committee of the respective medical college.Results: Out of total 30 participants, 24 (80%) were males and 6 (30%) were female. In analyzing mode of injuries, we found highest (86.7%) participants were from road accidents followed by 10% from sports injury and the remaining 3.3% from general falls. The duration of treatment with the fixator was 12-23 weeks (average 16 weeks). Fourteen patients wore a PTB cast for an additional period of 4 weeks. In our study total 30 cases were debrided on the same day and stabilized with Ilizarov ring fixator after a period of 5 to 12 days from the date of injury. The operation time ranged from 90 minutes to 120 minutes (Mean 102±4 minutes).Conclusions: No case developed deep infection, non-union or unacceptable mal-union. The construct is stable and enables the patient to bear weight on the affected limb a short time after the surgery, even in cases of comminuted fractures

    159— The effects of trauma on the response to cocaine

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    Exposure to adverse events is a risk factor for substance use disorder. We modeled this in an inbred strain of mice by exposing adult males to a predator odor (a synthetic fox pheromone, TMT) and then assessing 1. Cocaine-induced locomotion, and 2. Conditioned place preference (CPP) of cocaine. TMT was an effective stressor as indicated by freezing behavior, an absence of movement that is an instinctive fear response in mice. Interestingly, in a 1-hour baseline locomotor test, TMT-exposed (TMT+) mice were more active than non-exposed (TMT-) mice. In addition, following a cocaine (10 mg/kg) injection (i.p.) TMT+ mice showed a cocaine-induced increase in activity, whereas TMT- mice did not. Finally, mice were conditioned to associate one side of a 3-chambered arena with cocaine (10 mg/kg) and were then tested in a 30-minute session of free exploration (15 minutes of cue-prime, 15 minutes of drug-prime). One week later, an identical 30 min session of free exploration was conducted. The time spent inside the drug-associated context was considered an indication of the rewarding properties of cocaine

    Testing an urban myth: do spiders really “love” the smell of gasoline?

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    poster abstractABSTRACT. Presence of yellow sac spiders (genus Cheiracanthium) in the emissions control (EVAP) system of certain automobiles has prompted recalls because silk blockage of EVAP hoses could lead to cracked gas tanks, fuel leakage, and fire. According to a Reuters report during the 2011 Mazda6 recall, an innate attraction to the odor of gasoline explained sac spider presence in cars (gasoline attraction hypothesis). The media perpetuated this idea to such a degree that it attained the status of an urban myth – even the Wikipedia article for Cheiracanthium discusses the supposed attraction. Alternative possibilities to explain spider presence in EVAP hoses were largely ignored. Car hoses provide just one of many suitable retreat sites available to spiders, so occasional occupation of EVAP hoses may be due more to chance than design (random occupancy hypothesis). It is also possible that EVAP hoses themselves attract the spiders (hose attraction hypothesis). In this study, we tested the gasoline attraction and hose attraction hypotheses. Using juvenile Cheiracanthium mildei, a species known to occupy EVAP hoses, we found no evidence to support the gasoline attraction hypothesis: in both arena tests and Y-tube choice experiments, spiders spent similar amounts of time in control (no gasoline odor) and treatment (gasoline odor present) areas. In contrast, data supported the hose attraction hypothesis. Younger juvenile C. mildei spent significantly more time on the treatment side of the test arena (pieces of hose present) compared to the control side of the arena (no hose pieces present), and younger juveniles were found more frequently on the treatment side of the arena 30 minutes (100%) and 12+ hours (89%) after release into the arena. Interestingly, the clear preference for EVAP hose displayed by younger juveniles was not seen in older juveniles

    Modelling an outpatient unit in a clinical health centre using discrete event simulation

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    This paper describes a project paper of a simulation modelling course.It presents the potential of computer simulation in modelling the current performance of an outpatient department of a clinical health centre in a rural area.The model was run using Arena student version 14.5.From the 60 replication length run, the obtained result shows that the patient’s waiting time is 26.4 minutes, which is lesser than the established standard waiting time of 30 minutes

    Investigating the reward cycle for play in young pigs

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    A reward cycle for investigating the emotional status in animals has been developed and it requires that animals go through three main phases, i.e. anticipation, consumption and relaxation. The reward cycle has not been tested previously for access to play in pigs. Therefore, the aim of this Master thesis was to investigate if growing pigs showed more behaviours indicative of excitement than pigs that were not allowed to play, performed play in a play arena and showed more behaviours indicative of relaxation after play when they were back to their home pen than pigs that were in their home pen the whole time. Forty undocked piglets (10 litters of Specific Pathogen Free half pure-bred Yorkshire and half hybrids of Yorkshire x Landrace balanced for breed between two treatments were used. From 44 days of age the selected pigs were housed in a weaner stable with four per pen, two castrated males and two females with the most average weights, in their original litter in pens with a size of 6.5 m2 called “home pen”. Within each litter two non-play and two play pigs were randomly selected. Focal animals were individually marked by pig marking spray. After five days of acclimatization to the new environment, four days of training started during which two pigs were allowed to walk to the holding pen (2.0 m2) where they were kept for three minutes. After that the mesh gate opened and the pigs walked in freely to the play arena (5.8 m2) where they stayed for 15 minutes. Two of each of the following objects were used as toys in the play arena: wellingtons, brush, traffic cone, rubber pipe, ball and knotted rope. Half of the piglets had previous experience of objects (i.e. knotted rope, ball and tire) around weaning. Play pigs were observed (instantaneously at 30 s intervals and continuously within each 30 s) 3 min. in the holding pen and 15 min. in the play arena. Non-play pigs were only taken to the holding pen (3 min.) and brought back to their home pen. Play pigs were directly after coming back to the home pen observed for 10 min. and non-play pigs were observed on days without play sessions for 10 min. Statistical analysis was done with Generalized Linear Model for Mixed procedures that tested effect of treatment, time, week, sex and previous toy experience. In the holding pen play pigs performed significantly more locomotor play (P<0.01), play fight (P<0.05), elimination (P<0.01) and had more curled tail position (P<0.01) than non-play pigs. However, non-play pigs performed significantly more explore bar than play pigs (P<0.05) in the holding pen. Pigs of both treatments were numerically more often recorded in zone 1 and orient 1 (i.e. closest proximity to the play arena). In the play arena object play was the most performed play type and then locomotor play which both decreased over time (P<0.001). Social play was the least performed play behaviour but even if it stayed close to zero it showed a slight gradual increase over time (P<0.001). Thus, as predicted they performed all three types of play. The most and the least preferred toys were numerically the brush and the ball respectively. In the home pen play pigs performed significantly more social contact (P<0.001), moving (P<0.001) and exploring (P<0.001), a tendency for drinking more (P<0.1) and significantly less locomotor play (P<0.05) than non-play pigs. In the home pen, non-play pigs performed significantly more lying (P<0.001) and had the tail in a hanging position more (P<0.001). Those behaviours expected to be relaxation-related, such as drinking, eating and rubbing against pen structures, were not significantly higher in play pigs. In conclusion, play pigs showed some behaviours indicative of anticipation in the holding pen, they performed all three types of play in the play arena. However, play pigs did not show behaviours expected to indicate relaxation in the home pen.En belöningscykel för att undersöka det emotionella tillståndet hos djur har utvecklats och den kräver att djur går igenom tre faser, dvs. förväntan, konsumtion och avkoppling. Belöningscykeln har inte testats tidigare för tillgång till lek hos grisar. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka om växande grisar visade fler beteenden som tyder på förväntan att leka än grisar som inte fick möjlighet att leka, om de utförde lekbeteenden i en lekarena och om de visade flera beteenden som tyder på avkoppling efter lek när de var tillbaka i sin hembox än grisar som var i sin hembox hela tiden. Fyrtio ej svanskuperade smågrisar (10 kullar) av specifikt patogenfria halvt renrasiga Yorkshire och halvt hybrider av Yorkshire x Lantras som balanserades för ras mellan två behandlingar användes. Från 44 dagars ålder hölls de utvalda grisarna i ett avväjningsstall med fyra per box, två kastrerade hanar och två honor med de mest genomsnittliga vikterna, i sin ursprungliga kull i boxar med en storlek på 6,5 m2 kallade "hembox". Inom varje kull valdes slumpmässigt två lekgrisar och två icke-lekgrisar ut. Fokaldjuren märktes individuellt med grismärkspray. Efter fem dagars acklimatisering till den nya miljön, började fyra dagars träning under vilka två grisar fick gå till förväntansboxen (2,0 m2) där de hölls under tre min. Efter att gallergrinden öppnades fick grisarna gå fritt i lekarenan (5,8 m2) där de stannade i 15 min. Två av vart och ett av följande objekt användes som leksaker i lekarenan: stövel, borste, trafikkon, gummirör, boll och knutet rep. Hälften av smågrisarna hade tidigare erfarenhet av objekt (dvs. knutet rep, boll och däck) runt avvänjningen. Lekgrisar observerades (momentant med 30 s intervall och kontinuerligt inom varje 30 s intervall) 3 min. i förväntansboxen och 15 min. i lekarenan. Icke-lek grisar togs endast till förväntansboxen (3 min.) och togs sedan tillbaka till sin hembox. Lekgrisarna observerades 10 min. direkt efter det att de kom tillbaka till hemboxen och icke-lek grisar observerades under 10 min. på dagar utan lek. Statistisk analys gjordes med generaliserad linjär modell för blandade förfaranden och testade effekten av behandling, tid, vecka, kön och tidigare leksakserfarenhet. I förväntansboxen utförde grisarna signifikant mer rörelselek (P<0,01), kamplek (P<0,05), eliminering (P<0,01) och hade mer knorr på svansen (P <0,01) än icke-lek grisar. Men, icke-lek grisar utförde signifikant mer undersökande av gallergrinden än lekgrisarna (P<0,05) i förväntansboxen. Grisar av båda behandlingarna var numeriskt oftare i zon 1 och orientering 1 (dvs. närmast lekarenan). I lekarenan var objektetlek den mest utförda lektypen och sedan rörelselek som båda minskade över tid (P<0,001). Social lek var det minst utförda lekbeteendet, men även om det stannade nära noll visade det en svag successiv ökning över tid (P<0,001). Som förväntat utförde de alla tre typer av lek. De mest och de minst föredragna leksakerna var numeriskt borsten respektive bollen. I hemboxen utförde lekgrisarna signifikant mer social kontakt (P<0,001), förflyttning (P<0,001) och undersökning (P<0,001), en tendens till att dricka mer (P<0,1) och signifikant mindre rörelselek (P<0,05) än icke-lek grisar. I hemboxen utförde icke-lek grisar signifikant mer liggande (P <0,001) och hade svansen mer i en hängande position (P<0,001). De beteenden som ansågs vara avkopplingsrelaterade, såsom dricka, äta och stryka kroppen mot inredningen, var inte signifikant högre hos lekgrisar. Sammanfattningsvis visade lekgrisarna vissa beteenden som indikerar förväntan i förväntansboxen, utförde alla tre typer av lek i lekarenan. Däremot visade lekgrisarna inte beteenden som ansågs indikera avkoppling i hemboxen

    Perancangan Sistem Antrian Protokol Kesehatan Memasuki Kampus untuk Mengoptimalkan Waktu Tunggu, Jumlah Antrian, dan Biaya Investasi Alat

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    Politeknik ATMI Surakarta applies a health protocol to get into campus area, which consists of body temperature check and disinfectant spray. Existing health protocol supported by 1 automatic temperature checker and 4 automatic disinfectant spray booths. There is no evaluation has been carried out yet regarding to effectiveness and efficiency of facilities utility. There are queue problems, especially at critical time at morning shift from 07.00 WIB to 07.30 WIB and the system output has not been able to reach about 650 entities within 30 minutes. This system is a terminating simulation with 30 minutes of replication length. Simulation design is carried out to find the best system solution that achieves the entities number of output target, with evaluation based on queue waiting time, number of queues, cost factors, and percentage of facility utilities. The simulation system is made with ARENA software. Design solutions are compared and ranked. Selection of solutions based on the best design rating. The results showed that at the critical time 07.00 WIB - 07.30 WIB it was necessary to have 2 automatic temperature checking devices and 3 disinfectant chambers (Multi Channel - Multi Phase). This design produces an output of about 687 entities, a waiting time of 0.75 minutes, 8.46 entities of queue, and cost of Rp. 88,411.64. At regular times, 1 automatic temperature checker and 1 disinfectant chamber (Multi Channel - Single Phase) are needed. This design produces system output of about 262 entities, waiting time of 0.22 minutes, 2.01 entities of queues, and cost of Rp. 36,399.43.  Politeknik ATMI Surakarta menerapkan protokol kesehatan untuk masuk ke area kampus, yang terdiri dari pemeriksaan suhu tubuh dan penyemprotan disinfektan. Protokol kesehatan saat ini didukung oleh 1 pemeriksa suhu otomatis dan 4 bilik semprot desinfektan otomatis. Belum ada evaluasi yang dilakukan mengenai efektivitas dan efisiensi utilitas fasilitas. Terdapat permasalahan antrian terutama pada waktu kritis pada shift pagi dari pukul 07.00 WIB sampai dengan 07.30 WIB dan keluaran sistem belum mampu mencapai sekitar 650 entitas dalam waktu 30 menit. Sistem ini termasuk dalam terminating simulation, dengan replication length 30 menit. Perancangan simulasi dilakukan untuk mencari solusi sistem terbaik yang mencapai target keluaran jumlah entitas, dengan evaluasi berdasarkan waktu tunggu antrian, jumlah antrian entitas, biaya, dan utilitas fasilitas. Sistem simulasi dibuat dengan software ARENA. Solusi rancangan diperbandingkan dan diberi peringkat, untuk kemudian dilakukan seleksi pemilihan rancangan terbaik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada waktu kritis pukul 07.00 WIB - 07.30 WIB diperlukan 2 buah alat pengecek suhu otomatis dan 3 buah bilik desinfektan (Multi Channel - Multi Phase). Rancangan ini menghasilkan output sekitar 687 entitas, waktu tunggu 0,75 menit, jumlah antrian 8,46 entitas, dengan biaya Rp. 88.411,64. Pada waktu reguler diperlukan 1 buah alat pengecekan suhu otomatis dan 1 buah bilik desinfektan (Multi Channel - Single Phase). Rancangan ini menghasilkan output sistem sekitar 262 entitas, waktu tunggu 0,22 menit, jumlah antrian 2,01 entitas, dengan biaya Rp. 36.399,43

    Individual rules for trail pattern formation in Argentine ants (Linepithema humile)

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    We studied the formation of trail patterns by Argentine ants exploring an empty arena. Using a novel imaging and analysis technique we estimated pheromone concentrations at all spatial positions in the experimental arena and at different times. Then we derived the response function of individual ants to pheromone concentrations by looking at correlations between concentrations and changes in speed or direction of the ants. Ants were found to turn in response to local pheromone concentrations, while their speed was largely unaffected by these concentrations. Ants did not integrate pheromone concentrations over time, with the concentration of pheromone in a 1 cm radius in front of the ant determining the turning angle. The response to pheromone was found to follow a Weber's Law, such that the difference between quantities of pheromone on the two sides of the ant divided by their sum determines the magnitude of the turning angle. This proportional response is in apparent contradiction with the well-established non-linear choice function used in the literature to model the results of binary bridge experiments in ant colonies (Deneubourg et al. 1990). However, agent based simulations implementing the Weber's Law response function led to the formation of trails and reproduced results reported in the literature. We show analytically that a sigmoidal response, analogous to that in the classical Deneubourg model for collective decision making, can be derived from the individual Weber-type response to pheromone concentrations that we have established in our experiments when directional noise around the preferred direction of movement of the ants is assumed.Comment: final version, 9 figures, submitted to Plos Computational Biology (accepted